
A quantonode is a connected device that measures something, performs analysis and acts based on the outcome. “Something” could be almost anything. Environmental sensor data, like temperature, perhaps first spring to mind. Audio and camera feeds and user interaction are other examples. Quantonodes can also measure quantities that just exist in the digital domain, for instance by reacting to events triggered on a web site.


We build solutions that allow products to be digitally augmented. Novel product features can be realized by leveraging a quantonode embedded in an otherwise "analog" product. The opportunities for creative use of quantonodes are endless...

prototyping services

Rapid prototyping reduces the risk of costly mistakes by producing a model of your product early. You may use prototypes to validate your design, try out new ideas or for stakeholder presentations. Quantonode offers an array of services related to prototyping: from idea and design to implementation and low-volume production. We produce machine parts and enclosures, arrange manufacturing of printed circuit boardsand produce the designs and software needed for fully functional prototypes.


introducing Quantonode Smartshelf.

Pick a card... The items in the Smartshelf are labeled with RFID tags, which allow for automatic inventory tracking. Inventory control is instant and can be performed as often as required. The shelf is network connected and reports to a database. It is possible to support distributed inventory, with stock spread across multiple storage rooms and multiple sites.


embed a quantonode in your product

measure, analyze, control, connect… that’s what quantonodes are all about. But there is an infinte number of variations of this theme. What is your next, smart application? Amazing things can be achieved by putting modern technology into traditional products. Smart buildings, logistics, wearable technology and energy smart devices… Quantonode has got you covered for your next smart product.

ultra-low-power, wireless quantonodes

Wireless quantonodes allow for rapid and convenient deployment on locations with no preexisting wiring. Environmental monitoring is an ideal use case, given that the quantity to be measured is slow-changing. This allows for low data rates, long connection intervals and an ultra-low-power design overall.

your product redefined for the digital era.

Quantonode builds solutions that allow products to be digitally augmented. Digital technology can increase the value of a product offering: by enhancing the performance of the product, prolonging product life, making it easier to use and by adding novel features. Many interesting opportunities lie in connectivity. Integration with mobile devices and apps not only add customer value, but could also be leveraged for post-sale activities.


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Copyright Quantonode Innovation AB, 2017