About us

“your product redefined for the digital era.”

about us

Amazing things can be achieved by putting modern technology into traditional products, the things around us that we all know and love. Digital technology can increase the value of a product offering: by enhancing the performance of the product, prolonging product life, making it easier to use and by adding novel features.

Many interesting opportunities lie in connectivity. Integration with mobile devices and apps not only add customer value, but could also be leveraged for post-sale activities. Machine-to-machine communication (and Internet of Things) can also create value for both the user and the producer. Data analytics, logistics automation and telemetry are among the primary applications.

Quantonode builds solutions that allow products to be digitally augmented. We offer services in innovation, concept development, prototyping and the implementation of the finalized product. Our aim is to be very flexible and offer a spectrum of solutions to fit specific customer requirements.

At the one end of the spectrum are turnkey solutions, for which Quantonode develops a complete product that can be manufactured without any further customization or integration. More commonly, a quantonode is embedded into the product to be digitally augmented. At the other end of the spectrum, Quantonode provides a component or module to be integrated into an existing hardware and software design.

The company was founded in April 2017. It is based in Malmö and Stockholm, Sweden. First turnkey products will be annonced this fall. Prototype developent is ongoing. We are taking orders for product development services.

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Copyright Quantonode Innovation AB, 2017