Prototyping Services

Rapid prototyping reduces the risk of costly mistakes by producing a model of your product early. You may use prototypes to validate your design, try out new ideas or for stakeholder presentations. Quantonode offers an array of services related to prototyping: from idea and design to implementation and low-volume production. We produce machine parts and enclosures using additive and subtractive manufacturing technology, arrange manufacturing of printed circuit boards overseas and produce the designs and software needed for fully functional prototypes.

Machine parts and enclosures can be manufactured rapidly using computer numerical control (CNC). We use 3D-printers, mills and laser cutters to produce parts in different types of plastic, wood, composite boards and metal. Laser cutting is useful to produce very precise cuts in sheets of material, such as acrylic glass. 3D-printing and machining are better suited for parts with three dimensional structure. 3D-printing is an additive manufacturing technology, in that it works by depositing (very thin) layers of material. In contrast, mills work by removing bits of the raw-material, thus a subtractive manufacturing technology.

A digital model is the starting point regardless of the technique used. We are happy to assist in the development of such models and to manufacture your prototype. The digital model can be used for manufacturing of additional units and even for mass production.

Hardware and software may be part of a functional prototype. We outsource the manufacturing of printed circuit boards (PCBs), but provide the service to set up manufacturing overseas. If desired, we develop the required design files and act as the point of contact to the PCB maker. The design files can be used for manufacturing of additional units and even for mass production. Quantonode also offers to develop embedded software to control the device and applications for mobile devices and computers, which communicate with the device.

Concept design is the initial design phase when there is still a significant amount of uncertainty to deal with. Wild ideas are encouraged. This is the times for sketches on napkins rather than CAD models and prototypes made of cardboard and paper clips rather than brushed aluminum. Quantonode offers to facilitate brainstorming and creativity workshops with the purpose of exploring ideas and develop the concepts to the point where they can be assessed and decisions can be made.

"Cardsharp" provided proof of concept (RFID inventory). It was built rapidly using inexpensive off-the-shelf hardware. The form factor does not even resemble that of the final demonstrator and its functionality was very limited.

The first prototype of the Smartshelf was built in cardboard. It was used as an engineering prototype when developing hardware and software.

The Smartshelf demonstrator is built in acrylic glass and leverages on the hardware/software that was developed in the previous phase.

We would like to hear from you! We would be more than happy to assist in the development of your next product: in early concept design, in rapid prototyping, in the development of hardware and software, or in low-volume manufacturing. Don't hesitate to contact us to discuss prototyping services or to get a quotation.

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